When Should You Get a Hair Transplant?

September 20, 2021

When people look at you, your hair is about the first thing they notice. It is therefore not out of place to want to have good, attractive hair. But then, certain conditions can impair the health and state of the human hair, one of which is the male pattern baldness.
Baldness permanently impairs hair growth in the affected areas. And sometimes, this lack of hair may not be the best look people want their hair to have. So, if you’ve brooded over the state of your hair and you’re wondering when it would be right to have a hair transplant, this article will guide you.

How Old Are You?

If you’re yet to celebrate your 25th birthday, it would be okay to still hold off your hair transplant plans for a while. Just keep in mind that the earlier you start your hair loss restoration the better your results will be.
At 35, whatever you have on your head is simply what you should have. So when you finally opt for a transplant, you’ll be able to donate hair to every area that would eventually need one. You could still have a transplant earlier than 35, but you’d be risking leaving out enough donor hair for areas that may become bald at a later time. Medication can typically be used to counteract this.
blurred vision from the lubricating ointment applied to your eyes:

  • Watering eyes
  • Light sensitivity
  • Double vision
  • Puffy numb eyelids
  • Swelling and bruising similar to having black eyes
  • Pain or discomfort


How Old Are You?

If you’re yet to celebrate your 25th birthday, it would be okay to still hold off your hair transplant plans for a while. Just keep in mind that the earlier you start your hair loss restoration the better your results will be.
At 35, whatever you have on your head is simply what you should have. So when you finally opt for a transplant, you’ll be able to donate hair to every area that would eventually need one. You could still have a transplant earlier than 35, but you’d be risking leaving out enough donor hair for areas that may become bald at a later time. Medication can typically be used to counteract this.