The Impact of Steroid Use on Hair Transplants - What You Need to Know

August 10, 2024

The Impact of Steroid Use on Hair Transplants -
What You Need to Know

If you are considering a hair transplant, it is crucial to be aware that not everyone is an ideal candidate for this treatment. At Tir na nOg Clinic, we often encounter factors that can rule potential recipients out of the transplant process - the most common being an insufficient donor area. However, there's another factor that might surprise you – steroid use in bodybuilding.

Steroids, synthetic compounds equivalent to the male sex hormone testosterone, are frequently used in bodybuilding. While they have valid medical applications, their impact on hair transplant success can be a significant deterrent. Anabolic steroids, prescribed to treat conditions like anaemia and testosterone deficiency, can have varying effects on hair health. Some steroids are notorious for inducing hair loss due to their androgenic properties.

The main culprit behind steroid related hair loss is dihydrotestosterone (DHT), a hormone associated with rapid hereditary male pattern hair loss. Steroid enthusiasts, with elevated levels of DHT in their bodies, need to be cautious about its impact on their hair follicles. To mitigate the risk of hair loss, individuals must take steps to reduce existing DHT levels and prevent it from adhering to the hair follicles. 

However, it is important to note that if you are not predisposed to hair loss, there's no need to be overly concerned about using steroids after a hair transplant. Contrary to popular belief, steroids do not inherently induce hair loss. The key is to consult with a hair transplant surgeon and undergo necessary testing before deciding on the use of steroids post-transplant.

While steroids can offer benefits in terms of muscle mass and athletic performance, they can also have adverse effects on hair growth and potentially interfere with the success of a follicular unit extraction (FUE) hair transplant. Anabolic steroids, by increasing DHT levels, contribute to hair loss and thinning, even in individuals who have undergone a hair transplant procedure.

Furthermore, beyond their impact on hair, anabolic steroids can interfere with the healing process after a hair transplant has taken place, raising the risk of complications. It's crucial to discuss any concerns about anabolic steroids with your surgeon. Avoiding their use before and after a hair transplant procedure is essential to ensure optimal healing and successful hair growth.

The decision to use steroids following a hair transplant should be approached with caution and certainly discussed with your surgeon. Understanding the potential risks and consulting with a healthcare professional are crucial steps in ensuring the best possible outcome for your hair restoration journey.  Book your free consultation with Tir na nOg Clinic where our surgeon, Dr Kevin McDonald, will be more than willing to discuss any concerns or potential work-arounds in relation to steroid use.