COVID-19 Clinic Reopening – What to expect

May 5, 2020

In light of what Leo Varadkar announced last Friday regarding the easing of restrictions, we believe that we will be in a position to reopen the clinic for business in both Botox and Hair Transplant on July 20th. We will be implementing strict guidelines regarding hygiene, social distancing and doing all we can to reduce the risk of any potential spread of COVID-19 to our patients or staff.

It’s important to remember that we are a medical practice and Dr Kevin has had years of experience in infection control and adhering to medical hygiene standards. We already have a very high level of cleanliness in our clinic. All our staff are also highly trained in this too to ensure that all areas of the practice are kept to the highest standard of cleanliness to reduce the risk of infection.


What’s new?

We’re implementing a few changes into our clinic to ensure that all our staff and patients are kept safe and to reduce the risk of any spread of COVID-19. Here is a list of some of the measures we will be introducing going forward:



Any patient visiting the clinic must wear a face mask. This is to reduce the spread of potential infections and also to protect yourself too. Facemasks will not be supplied by us and therefore you must bring your own. Any patient that arrives at the clinic without a face mask will be asked to leave as they will not only be putting themselves at risk but also putting other patients at risk too.


Let Us Know

If you are due to attend the clinic and are exhibiting signs and symptoms of COVID-19 or have recently been in contact with someone who has COVID-19 or is showing signs and symptoms of it, then please do not attend your appointment. Simply, call us and let us know that you will not be attending and we’ll reschedule an appointment for you as soon as we can.


No Waiting Area

Adhering to social distancing guidelines, we will no longer have a waiting area with multiple patients. Because of this we will be operating a very strict schedule to ensure our waiting area isn’t populated with more than one patient at a time. We will be asking patients to arrive on time for their appointments and not to be late. If you are late for your appointment we will not be able to see you and therefore you will lose your appointment. This is for the safety of our staff and patients and we need to be strict with this.


One Person Per Appointment

Please do not bring anyone along to your appointment, this includes children and partners. As referred to above, we do not have a suitable waiting area for anyone to wait on your appointment to finish. Only you can attend and we will be very strict on this too. 


Social Distancing

We ask that all patients practice good social distancing measures within the clinic. Please keep at least 2 metres away from staff and other patients. We will be marking the floor with signs which are to be observed at all times.


Hand Washing

We would appreciate it if all patients could take responsibility for their own personal hygiene regarding washing their hands regularly and ensuring they are using the hand disinfectant that’s available. Please also remember to practice good sneeze and cough etiquette. We would also ask patients to limit any touching of any surfaces too to reduce potential spread of infections.


What We’ll Be Doing

We’ll be ensuring that our clinic is regularly cleaned and disinfected throughout the day and that every patient is coming into a clean clinic for their treatment or consultation. We want to ensure that all our patients feel at ease and can rest assured that they are coming into a clean & safe environment.